Santa Cruz County CruzAware logo

Santa Cruz County and Santa Cruz Regional 9-1-1 have launched CruzAware, an innovative and comprehensive community alert and warning system designed to keep residents informed and safe.

(Para acceder a información/instrucciones en español, utilice el enlace de Preguntas Frecuentes a continuación.*)

A message from Stephanie French, Operations Manager at Santa Cruz Regional 9-1-1: "Signing up for emergency notifications through CruzAware is crucial for every resident. During emergencies, seconds matter, and being promptly informed can make all the difference in ensuring personal safety and the well-being of our community.”

CruzAware replaces CodeRED. If you were previously registered with the CodeRED alerting system, your account will automatically roll over to CruzAware. However, you need to log in to your CruzAware account to make any profile updates, select the specific types of alerts you want, or to unsubscribe. If you're not registered with CodeRED, you can simply create a CruzAware account.

CruzAware logo
CruzAware Registration Portal & Login


We recommend you review the Supporting Documents below for key information, including the County's Press Release and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (with step-by-step instructions how to login or register). The Web Links below provide a CruzAware registration walk-through video, as well as information from the Santa Cruz County Office of Response, Recovery & Resilience (OR3). 

Stay connected, informed, and safe!